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Stirred by Grace...

"All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away." Isaiah 64:6

I am a filthy rag before my Savior. No amount of being good would ever draw me close enough to spend eternity with Him.

It's by this tiny-huge word called grace that I'm wrapped in the arms of my Savior. It's by this enourmous grace and through it alone that I am able to run into the arms of my Jesus every single time I fail and fall short in this world.

Every. Single. Time.

It's through this tiny-huge word, grace, that I find rest and refuge knowing that I may not be able to see what the answers are or even know if I'll breathe in the next five seconds, but I can tell you that it's because of this grace that I can say that if I die, it's gain. Because to be absent from my body is to be present with my Lord...and that's more than okay.

It's through this tiny-huge word, grace, that I can continue to sing and praise His name, in efforts to give everything I am to Him, even when I hurt so badly, desparate to find the answers, knowing I don't have the words...and may never have them the way you need them to be.

Because the thing is, this tiny-huge word, grace, brings me back to my Father, every single time. It leads me to the cross. It reminds me that He will never leave me. It reveals to me His constant plan for my life and that His desire to know me is real. So real that He gave everything He had just in hopes I would say yes and I would fall in His arms giving my life to Him forever.

That while I was this filthy, dirty rag, He reminds me that His love for us is so unstoppable and so real that He gave everything He had, His only son, Jesus, to die a criminal's death on a wooden cross full of splinters so we wouldn't walk this world alone ever again. Through this perfect sacrfice we can be in an everyday, forever realtionship with Him instantly and permenantly by asking Him to rescue us from this flesh, this corrupt sin body we live in, knowing He died and rose again so we could live. We ask Him to enter in and fill this void we have tried effortlessly to fill with this world for years. We ask Him into our heart and tell Him we believe that He died for us so we could be free from the bondage of sin. If we believe that scripture is perfect and without fault, we know that it tells us the only way to a beautiful forever, an eternity with God, is through accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord in our lives.

It's this tiny-huge word grace that makes it impossible to do anything good enough in this world to make it to Heaven.


When you finally realize what God's done for your life, when you finally see that He has been here all along waiting for you to realize His presence, and that He has sought you time and time again, is when this tiny-huge word, GRACE, hits you like a ton of bricks and everything makes sense for the first time ever.

I'm not telling you what to do. I'm not pushing anything on top of you.

I'm telling you that this tiny-huge word, grace, is never leaving you and it's always right there waiting for you to take off your shame, your guilt, your "I'm not good enough," and your "I'm good enough on my own."

Let His voice be all you hear for the first time in your life and run into His arms.

No mind on this Earth will ever understand the depth of His love for us. It makes no sense, but this is grace.

Grace found my heart when logic ends. The friend of sinners came instead. I know He's with us in this place. Here now. All I know is I know that He is here now.

I know He is in this blog post and I know that He is in this place.

I know He lives. I know He exists. I am unashamed of the Gospel of Jesus for by it, and through it alone, I am His forever and He is mine.

And it's beautiful.

Never changing.



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