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GG: Revelation Chapter 1 Recap

Revelation Chapter 1 Outline: 1) Verses 1-3: The Divine origin, the design, and the importance of this book.

We learned that John was the author the book of Revelation. We also learned that Revelation is the only book of the Bible that says you will receive a blessing from reading the words aloud.

2) Verses 4-8: The apostle John salutes the seven churches of Asia.

The seven churches of Asia Minor discussed were:

1. Ephesus

2. Smyrna

3. Pergamum

4. Thyatira

5. Sardis

6. Philadelphia

7. Laodicea

We also looked on a map to see where they were located and realized that they would have been located in what now is modern Turkey.

3) Verses 9-11: John declares when, where, and how the revelation was made to him.

In verses 9-11 we read that John was "in the Spirit on the Lord's Day" (vs. 10) and heard behind him a loud voice like a trumpet telling him to write what he sees in a book and send it to the seven churches. He was on the island of Patmos after having been exiled for his faith in Christ and for sharing the Gospel.

4) Verses 12-20: John's vision, in which he saw Jesus.

It's here that we get a description of what Jesus looked like in Chapter 1 of Revelation. John had turned to see the voice that was speaking to him and on turning saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the lampstands "one like a son of man..." (vs. 12-13)

It's here that we must remember that this Jesus we see is the same Jesus we have known all along and know today. We must have faith as we read this important book of the Bible. We must remember that unlike all of us, God does not change. He is, as he said, "The Alpha and the Omega. The one who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." (vs. 8)

Think about worship... when we sing songs like Almighty God. How awesome is it that even our worship is derived (pulled) from God's Word! Sing with boldness. Worship our Almighty God anywhere and everywhere. Don't be scared to cry out to our Heavenly Father. We also talked about making sure we take care of our church's candlestick by constantly striving to be a light in the darkness in our community.

We are the light in the darkness. Because of Jesus living inside of us through the Holy Spirit after we have made a decision to follow Him and accept Him as Lord and Savior of our lives, there is a light that can never be stopped. I love how John 1:5 says it, " The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

I hope you have all had an encouraging week! Know that our God is alive and His word is true!! We have a beautiful tiny-huge word grace that lives in us and brings is to the Father constantly. Don't lose sight of this!

I love you all and can't wait to see you Thursday at 6:30PM!! Read Chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation before class and know guests are ALWAYS welcome!!

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